
If you have some starter Kefir grains, making homemade Kefir is very easy and better than store-bought by a large margin. I bought my first grains from kefirlady and they lasted me several years. I lost them in a move and bought more…which I now have been using for 3 years going.

You place the grains in a non-reactive container. I use a big glass measuring cup. Then cover the grains with milk. I use whole milk but you can use low-fat or skim. Then cover the container with cheese cloth and let sit on the counter. Everyday stir the mixture with a non-reactive utensil. If you want very strong Kefir, let this go on for a week. If you want a milder version, then stop the process after a few days.

When it’s done, take about 1/4 of the top of the mixture and put in a small glass container and store in the refrigerator until you are ready to make another batch. Blend it up so that the whey (the liquid at the bottom) is incorporated. Or, you can scoop the top off and have a thicker, yogurt, like texture. Pour into a gallon glass milk container and keep in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process.

Use Kefir just as you would yogurt…in smoothies, topped with berries, in recipes, etc.

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